Summer is a time for outdoor activities and road trips. However, your car should be prepared for the hot and humid summer months. Marietta, Georgia, has been experiencing hot temperatures during the summer season, which means your car will be working overtime to keep you safe and comfortable. To ensure that your car is ready to take on the summer heat, we share some essential seasonal car care tips.

Check the battery: The summer heat can be challenging on your car battery, so it’s essential to keep an eye on it. Using a voltmeter, ensure that your battery is still holding a charge. If you notice that the battery is low, take it to your mechanic to check for any damages or corrosion. You can also purchase a battery tester or charger to test your battery yourself.

Check your tire pressure: Maintaining the correct tire pressure is essential for your safety, fuel efficiency, and performance. During the summer months, extreme heat can cause your tire pressure to increase, leading to blowouts or uneven wear. Ensure that you check your tire pressure and fill them up to the recommended pressure. You can find this information on a sticker located in the driver’s door jamb or owner’s manual.

Air conditioning: Summer heat can be unbearable without the right air conditioning system. Before the heatwave hits, take your car to your mechanic to check for any leaks or broken parts. If your car’s AC system requires a refill, ensure that you only use the refrigerant type designated for your vehicle. You can also ensure that your car cools faster by cleaning the air filter or installing solar shields, keeping the car parked in the shade, or using light-colored car covers.

Keep your car clean: The summer months are filled with these tiny insects that can damage your car’s exterior. Ensure that you wash your car regularly using Favorite Car Wash in Marietta to remove any bug guts or bird droppings. Additionally, staying on top of your car’s maintenance includes changing the oil regularly, checking the brakes, transmission, and power steering fluids. Regular servicing will prolong your car’s life and prevent any costly repairs.

Emergency Kits: During road trips, make sure you have an emergency kit with you. The bags should contain a tire changing kit, jumper cables, first aid kit, emergency reflectors, and a phone charger. In case of an emergency or breakdown, your kit has essential items to help you.

Preparing Your Vehicle for Marietta’s Summer Heat

Marietta’s summers can be sweltering, but with these essential seasonal car care tips, you will be prepared for anything. Ensuring your battery, tire pressure, air conditioning, keeping your car clean, and emergency kits are some of the best ways to maintain your car. Regular servicing and taking your car to Favorite Car Wash in Marietta is a small service you can do to protect your investment. Taking good care of your car will not only keep it in great condition, but you will also avoid costly repairs, keeping you safe on every journey.